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Bases: BaseComponent

A thought in the chain of thought

  • Input: **kwargs pairs, where key is the placeholder in the prompt, and value is the value.
  • Output: an output dictionary


Create and run a thought:

>> from kotaemon.pipelines.cot import Thought
>> thought = Thought(
     prompt="How to {action} {object}?",
     post_process=lambda string: {"tutorial": string},
>> output = thought(action="install", object="python")
>> print(output)
{'tutorial': 'As an AI language model,...'}

Basically, when a thought is run, it will:

  1. Populate the prompt template with the input **kwargs.
  2. Run the LLM model with the populated prompt.
  3. Post-process the LLM output with the post-processor.

This Thought allows chaining sequentially with the + operator. For example:

>> llm = LCAzureChatOpenAI(...)
>> thought1 = Thought(
       prompt="Word {word} in {language} is ",
       post_process=lambda string: {"translated": string},
>> thought2 = Thought(
        prompt="Translate {translated} to Japanese",
        post_process=lambda string: {"output": string},

>> thought = thought1 + thought2
>> thought(word="hello", language="French")
{'word': 'hello',
 'language': 'French',
 'translated': '"Bonjour"',
 'output': 'こんにちは (Konnichiwa)'}

Under the hood, when the + operator is used, a ManualSequentialChainOfThought is created.

Source code in libs\kotaemon\kotaemon\llms\
class Thought(BaseComponent):
    """A thought in the chain of thought

    - Input: `**kwargs` pairs, where key is the placeholder in the prompt, and
    value is the value.
    - Output: an output dictionary


    Create and run a thought:

    >> from kotaemon.pipelines.cot import Thought
    >> thought = Thought(
         prompt="How to {action} {object}?",
         post_process=lambda string: {"tutorial": string},
    >> output = thought(action="install", object="python")
    >> print(output)
    {'tutorial': 'As an AI language model,...'}

    Basically, when a thought is run, it will:

    1. Populate the prompt template with the input `**kwargs`.
    2. Run the LLM model with the populated prompt.
    3. Post-process the LLM output with the post-processor.

    This `Thought` allows chaining sequentially with the + operator. For example:

    >> llm = LCAzureChatOpenAI(...)
    >> thought1 = Thought(
           prompt="Word {word} in {language} is ",
           post_process=lambda string: {"translated": string},
    >> thought2 = Thought(
            prompt="Translate {translated} to Japanese",
            post_process=lambda string: {"output": string},

    >> thought = thought1 + thought2
    >> thought(word="hello", language="French")
    {'word': 'hello',
     'language': 'French',
     'translated': '"Bonjour"',
     'output': 'こんにちは (Konnichiwa)'}

    Under the hood, when the `+` operator is used, a `ManualSequentialChainOfThought`
    is created.

    prompt: str = Param(
            "The prompt template string. This prompt template has Python-like variable"
            " placeholders, that then will be substituted with real values when this"
            " component is executed"
    llm: LLM = Node(LCAzureChatOpenAI, help="The LLM model to execute the input prompt")
    post_process: Function = Node(
            "The function post-processor that post-processes LLM output prediction ."
            "It should take a string as input (this is the LLM output text) and return "
            "a dictionary, where the key should"
    def prompt_template(self):
        """Automatically wrap around param prompt. Can ignore"""
        return BasePromptComponent(template=self.prompt)

    def run(self, **kwargs) -> Document:
        """Run the chain of thought"""
        prompt = self.prompt_template(**kwargs).text
        response = self.llm(prompt).text
        response = self.post_process(response)

        return Document(response)

    def get_variables(self) -> List[str]:
        return []

    def __add__(self, next_thought: "Thought") -> "ManualSequentialChainOfThought":
        return ManualSequentialChainOfThought(
            thoughts=[self, next_thought], llm=self.llm



Automatically wrap around param prompt. Can ignore

Source code in libs\kotaemon\kotaemon\llms\"prompt")
def prompt_template(self):
    """Automatically wrap around param prompt. Can ignore"""
    return BasePromptComponent(template=self.prompt)



Run the chain of thought

Source code in libs\kotaemon\kotaemon\llms\
def run(self, **kwargs) -> Document:
    """Run the chain of thought"""
    prompt = self.prompt_template(**kwargs).text
    response = self.llm(prompt).text
    response = self.post_process(response)

    return Document(response)


Bases: BaseComponent

Perform sequential chain-of-thought with manual pre-defined prompts

This method supports variable number of steps. Each step corresponds to a kotaemon.pipelines.cot.Thought. Please refer that section for Thought's detail. This section is about chaining thought together.


Create and run a chain of thought without "+" operator:

>>> from kotaemon.pipelines.cot import Thought, ManualSequentialChainOfThought
>>> llm = LCAzureChatOpenAI(...)
>>> thought1 = Thought(
>>>    prompt="Word {word} in {language} is ",
>>>    post_process=lambda string: {"translated": string},
>>> )
>>> thought2 = Thought(
>>>     prompt="Translate {translated} to Japanese",
>>>     post_process=lambda string: {"output": string},
>>> )
>>> thought = ManualSequentialChainOfThought(thoughts=[thought1, thought2], llm=llm)
>>> thought(word="hello", language="French")
{'word': 'hello',
 'language': 'French',
 'translated': '"Bonjour"',
 'output': 'こんにちは (Konnichiwa)'}

Create and run a chain of thought without "+" operator: Please refer the kotaemon.pipelines.cot.Thought section for examples.

This chain-of-thought optionally takes a termination check callback function. This function will be called after each thought is executed. It takes in a dictionary of all thought outputs so far, and it returns True or False. If True, the chain-of-thought will terminate. If unset, the default callback always returns False.

Source code in libs\kotaemon\kotaemon\llms\
class ManualSequentialChainOfThought(BaseComponent):
    """Perform sequential chain-of-thought with manual pre-defined prompts

    This method supports variable number of steps. Each step corresponds to a
    `kotaemon.pipelines.cot.Thought`. Please refer that section for
    Thought's detail. This section is about chaining thought together.


    **Create and run a chain of thought without "+" operator:**

    >>> from kotaemon.pipelines.cot import Thought, ManualSequentialChainOfThought
    >>> llm = LCAzureChatOpenAI(...)
    >>> thought1 = Thought(
    >>>    prompt="Word {word} in {language} is ",
    >>>    post_process=lambda string: {"translated": string},
    >>> )
    >>> thought2 = Thought(
    >>>     prompt="Translate {translated} to Japanese",
    >>>     post_process=lambda string: {"output": string},
    >>> )
    >>> thought = ManualSequentialChainOfThought(thoughts=[thought1, thought2], llm=llm)
    >>> thought(word="hello", language="French")
    {'word': 'hello',
     'language': 'French',
     'translated': '"Bonjour"',
     'output': 'こんにちは (Konnichiwa)'}

    **Create and run a chain of thought without "+" operator:** Please refer the
    `kotaemon.pipelines.cot.Thought` section for examples.

    This chain-of-thought optionally takes a termination check callback function.
    This function will be called after each thought is executed. It takes in a
    dictionary of all thought outputs so far, and it returns True or False. If
    True, the chain-of-thought will terminate. If unset, the default callback always
    returns False.

    thoughts: List[Thought] = Param(
        default_callback=lambda *_: [], help="List of Thought"
    llm: LLM = Param(help="The LLM model to use (base of kotaemon.llms.BaseLLM)")
    terminate: Callable = Param(
        default=lambda _: False,
        help="Callback on terminate condition. Default to always return False",

    def run(self, **kwargs) -> Document:
        """Run the manual chain of thought"""

        inputs = deepcopy(kwargs)
        for idx, thought in enumerate(self.thoughts):
            if self.llm:
                thought.llm = self.llm
            self._prepare_child(thought, f"thought{idx}")

            output = thought(**inputs)
            if self.terminate(inputs):

        return Document(inputs)

    def __add__(self, next_thought: Thought) -> "ManualSequentialChainOfThought":
        return ManualSequentialChainOfThought(
            thoughts=self.thoughts + [next_thought], llm=self.llm



Run the manual chain of thought

Source code in libs\kotaemon\kotaemon\llms\
def run(self, **kwargs) -> Document:
    """Run the manual chain of thought"""

    inputs = deepcopy(kwargs)
    for idx, thought in enumerate(self.thoughts):
        if self.llm:
            thought.llm = self.llm
        self._prepare_child(thought, f"thought{idx}")

        output = thought(**inputs)
        if self.terminate(inputs):

    return Document(inputs)