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Add new indexing and reasoning pipeline to the application


At high level, to add new indexing and reasoning pipeline:

  1. You define your indexing or reasoning pipeline as a class from BaseComponent.
  2. You declare that class in the setting files

Then when python, the application will dynamically load those pipelines.

The below sections talk in more detail about how the pipelines should be constructed.

Define a pipeline as a class

In essence, a pipeline will subclass from kotaemon.base.BaseComponent. Each pipeline has 2 main parts:

  • All declared arguments and sub-pipelines.
  • The logic inside the pipeline.

An example pipeline:

from kotaemon.base import BaseComponent

class SoSimple(BaseComponent):
    arg1: int
    arg2: str

    def run(self, arg3: str):
        return self.arg1 * self.arg2 + arg3

This pipeline is simple for demonstration purpose, but we can imagine pipelines with much more arguments, that can take other pipelines as arguments, and have more complicated logic in the run method.

An indexing or reasoning pipeline is just a class subclass from BaseComponent like above.

For more detail on this topic, please refer to Creating a Component

Run signatures

Note: this section is tentative at the moment. We will finalize def run function signature by latest early April.

The indexing pipeline:

    def run(
        file_paths: str | Path | list[str | Path],
        reindex: bool = False,
        """Index files to intermediate representation (e.g. vector, database...)

            file_paths: the list of paths to files
            reindex: if True, files in `file_paths` that already exists in database
                should be reindex.

The reasoning pipeline:

    def run(self, question: str, history: list, **kwargs) -> Document:
        """Answer the question

            question: the user input
            history: the chat history [(user_msg1, bot_msg1), (user_msg2, bot_msg2)...]

            kotaemon.base.Document: the final answer

Register your pipeline to ktem

To register your pipelines to ktem, you declare it in the file. This file locates at the current working directory where you start the ktem. In most use cases, it is this one.


KH_INDEX = "<>"

You can register multiple reasoning pipelines to ktem by populating the KH_REASONING list. The user can select which reasoning pipeline to use in their Settings page.

For now, there's only one supported index option for KH_INDEX.

Make sure that your class is discoverable by Python.

Allow users to customize your pipeline in the app settings

To allow the users to configure your pipeline, you need to declare what you allow the users to configure as a dictionary. ktem will include them into the application settings.

In your pipeline class, add a classmethod get_user_settings that returns a setting dictionary, add a classmethod get_info that returns an info dictionary. Example:

class SoSimple(BaseComponent):

    ... # as above

    def get_user_settings(cls) -> dict:
        """The settings to the user"""
        return {
            "setting_1": {
                "name": "Human-friendly name",
                "value": "Default value",
                "choices": [("Human-friendly Choice 1", "choice1-id"), ("HFC 2", "choice2-id")], # optional
                "component": "Which Gradio UI component to render, can be: text, number, checkbox, dropdown, radio, checkboxgroup"
            "setting_2": {
                # follow the same rule as above

    def get_info(cls) -> dict:
        """Pipeline information for bookkeeping purpose"""
        return {
            "id": "a unique id to differentiate this pipeline from other pipeline",
            "name": "Human-friendly name of the pipeline",
            "description": "Can be a short description of this pipeline"

Once adding these methods to your pipeline class, ktem will automatically extract and add them to the settings.

Construct to pipeline object

Once ktem runs your pipeline, it will call your classmethod get_pipeline with the full user settings and expect to obtain the pipeline object. Within this get_pipeline method, you implement all the necessary logics to initiate the pipeline object. Example:

class SoSimple(BaseComponent):
    ... # as above

    def get_pipeline(self, setting):
        obj = cls(arg1=setting[""])
        return obj

Reasoning: Stream output to UI

For fast user experience, you can stream the output directly to UI. This way, user can start observing the output as soon as the LLM model generates the 1st token, rather than having to wait the pipeline finishes to read the whole message.

To stream the output, you need to;

  1. Turn the run function to async.
  2. Pass in the output to a special queue with self.report_output.
    async def run(self, question: str, history: list, **kwargs) -> Document:
        for char in "This is a long messages":
            self.report_output({"output": text.text})

The argument to self.report_output is a dictionary, that contains either or all of these 2 keys: "output", "evidence". The "output" string will be streamed to the chat message, and the "evidence" string will be streamed to the information panel.

Access application LLMs, Embeddings

You can access users' collections of LLMs and embedding models with:

from ktem.embeddings.manager import embeddings
from ktem.llms.manager import llms

llm = llms.get_default()
embedding_model = embeddings.get_default()

You can also allow the users to specifically select which llms or embedding models they want to use through the settings.

    def get_user_settings(cls) -> dict:
        from ktem.llms.manager import llms

        return {
            "citation_llm": {
                "name": "LLM for citation",
                "value": llms.get_default(),
                "component: "dropdown",
                "choices": list(llms.options().keys()),

Optional: Access application data

You can access the user's application database, vector store as follow:

# get the database that contains the source files
from ktem.db.models import Source, Index, Conversation, User

# get the vector store