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Creating a component

A fundamental concept in kotaemon is "component".

Anything that isn't data or data structure is a "component". A component can be thought of as a step within a pipeline. It takes in some input, processes it, and returns an output, just the same as a Python function! The output will then become an input for the next component in a pipeline. In fact, a pipeline is just a component. More appropriately, a nested component: a component that makes use of one or more other components in the processing step. So in reality, there isn't a difference between a pipeline and a component! Because of that, in kotaemon, we will consider them the same as "component".

To define a component, you will:

  1. Create a class that subclasses from kotaemon.base.BaseComponent
  2. Declare init params with type annotation
  3. Declare nodes (nodes are just other components!) with type annotation
  4. Implement the processing logic in run.

The syntax of a component is as follow:

from kotaemon.base import BaseComponent
from kotaemon.llms import LCAzureChatOpenAI
from kotaemon.parsers import RegexExtractor

class FancyPipeline(BaseComponent):
    param1: str = "This is param1"
    param2: int = 10
    param3: float

    node1: BaseComponent    # this is a node because of BaseComponent type annotation
    node2: LCAzureChatOpenAI  # this is also a node because LCAzureChatOpenAI subclasses BaseComponent
    node3: RegexExtractor   # this is also a node bceause RegexExtractor subclasses BaseComponent

    def run(self, some_text: str):
        prompt = (self.param1 + some_text) * int(self.param2 + self.param3)
        llm_pred = self.node2(prompt).text
        matches = self.node3(llm_pred)
        return matches

Then this component can be used as follow:

llm = LCAzureChatOpenAI(endpoint="some-endpont")
extractor = RegexExtractor(pattern=["yes", "Yes"])

component = FancyPipeline(

This way, we can define each operation as a reusable component, and use them to compose larger reusable components!

Benefits of component

By defining a component as above, we formally encapsulate all the necessary information inside a single class. This introduces several benefits:

  1. Allow tools like promptui to inspect the inner working of a component in order to automatically generate the promptui.
  2. Allow visualizing a pipeline for debugging purpose.